COST Action CA21165

Personalized Medicine in Chronic Kidney Disease: improved outcome based on Big Data

Establish the foundation for personalised medicine in CKD and ultimately improve outcome for CKD patients via effective use of clinical and molecular Data (Big Data)

ABout Us

The scientific aim of PerMediK is to support the development of a path towards personalized medicine in chronic kidney disease (CKD), based on multidimensional -omics data (Big Data).

Working group 1

Main objective: Collection of evidence

WG 1 Leader:
Dr. Julie

Working group 2

Main objective: Bioinformatics CKD modelling

WG 2 Leader:
Prof. Harald

Working group 3

Main objective: Preclinical confirmation of systems biology findings

WG 3 Leader:
Prof Griet

Working group 4

Main objective: Translation

WG 4 Leader:
Dr. Marta

Working group 5

Main objective: Management and Development of guidelines for implementation

WG 5 Leader:
Prof Julija


Webseminar 4

Correlations of Glomerular Filtration Rate Obtained by Nuclear Measurement Method vs. Estimated Mathematical Equations in Kidney Recipients from Decease Donors

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