Main objective: Bioinformatics CKD modelling

Riste Stojanov
MC Member, WG2 Leader
MC Member, WG2 Leader
Riste Stojanov is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering – Skopje.
He graduated in 2008 in the field of Informatics and Computer Engineering and in 2010 he obtained his M.Sc. degree in Content Based Retrieval, in the field of semantic web technologies, both at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. His academic interests include semantic web, web technologies, software design, natural language processing and computer networks.
Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University - Skopje
North Macedonia
1. Define the needs for bioinformatics disease modelling in CKD using Big Data divided by the requirement aimed at:
- Modelling of clinically useful biomarkers,
- De novo drug targets identification,
- Drug repurposing.
- 2. Test tools and methods available for analysis of Big Data.
- 3. Improve these methods over the course of the action by e.g. testing novel developments.
- 4. Develop guidelines and SOPs based on the information and results obtained. Rank available tools according to their applicability.
- 5. Training Workshop “Multi-omics diseases modelling”
Meet the others Working Groups

Working Group 3
Main objective: Preclinical confirmation of systems biology findings. WG 3 Leader: Prof Griet GLORIEUX.

Working Group 5
Main objective: Management and Development of guidelines for implementation. WG 5 Leader: Prof Julija VOICEHOVSKA.