Main objective: Management and Development of guidelines for implementation
Julija Voicehovska
MC Member, WG5 Leader
MC Member, WG5 Leader
Julia Voicehovska is Professor and Teaching coordinator at the Department of Internal Diseases, Riga Stradins University, Latvia. She was graduated as PhD in Riga Stradins University, with the topic on Add-on Antioxidant Therapy: new advances in Bronchial Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease treatment and complications prophylaxis in 2007. Her research interests include oxidative stress, biomarkers, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney disease and hearth failure.
Rīga Stradiņš University
- 1. Collect insights from each WG.
- 2. Assemble a comprehensive list of guidelines and SOPs.
- 3. Disseminate guidelines among Action partners and all stakeholders.
Meet the others Working Groups
Working Group 2
Main objective: Bioinformatics CKD modelling. WG 2 Leader: Prof. Riste Stojanov
Working Group 3
Main objective: Preclinical confirmation of systems biology findings. WG 3 Leader: Prof Griet GLORIEUX.